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16 Palmer Ave. Scarsdale, New York

COVID-19 Safety: What We’re Doing To Protect You & Our Staff

We are so excited to see you again and also committed to practice the following health and safety guidelines. We want our clients to know that due to the COVID-19 our hair salon is following the safety precautions recommended by the CDC and the Board of Health. Please be patient and understand.


    • For all salons and barbershops opening as part of Phase 2 in NY, occupancy in your salon must be restricted to 50%, as set by the certificate of occupancy.
    • To help keep occupancy down, hair stylists and barbers should stagger work schedules and limit in-person presence to only necessary staff and customers (no extra guests) to help with social distancing.
    • When reopening your salon or barbershop, be sure to set up waiting rooms to maintain 6 feet of distance between customers. Businesses should encourage customers to wait in cars or outside at least 6 feet away from one another and from the doorway.
    • Help increase ventilation in your salon or barbershop with outdoor air to the greatest extent possible by opening windows and leaving doors open while maintaining safety protocols.
  • When your salon reopens, use signs, tape, or distance markers to make spaces of 6 feet in all commonly used areas or where lines form.


    • All hairstylists and barbers and their customers must wear a mask when within 6 feet of one another to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Acceptable face coverings include but are not limited to cloth-based face coverings and disposable masks that cover both the mouth and nose.
    • If a customer must remove a mask momentarily for a service, the customer must hold the mask in front of their nose and mouth to help keep everyone safe.
  • All stylists and barbers must wear gloves when providing service, or you must be required to sanitize or wash your hands before and after contact with the customer. If you are using gloves, they must be replaced after each appointment.


    • To help stop the spread of COVID-19, salons should limit the sharing of equipment, such as scissors, spray bottles, and clippers. When equipment must be shared, employees must wear gloves (trade-appropriate or medical) or sanitize or wash their hands before and after contact. Shared equipment must be cleaned and disinfected between use.
    • Set up hand hygiene stations available with soap, running warm water and disposable paper towels or alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol for areas where handwashing facilities may not be available or practical.
  • Practice strict cleaning guidelines and STOP THE SPREAD signs posted in visible places to let customers know what is expected of them during the visit to the salon.

Thank you for your understanding.

Yes! We’re Open & very proactive against COVID-19 pandemic